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Cannabis Is legal In Illinois; Why testing Cannabinoids?

Illinois’ law for marijuana recreation use has just gone into effect January 1st statewide. This is the 11th state in the country that has made cannabis product legal for recreation use in additional to medical use. This was a big deal for Michigan that makes marijuana legal on December 1st 2019. It will be big as well for Illinois. However, it is still illegal at the federal level. FDA has yet to provide a guideline frameworks and interpretation of a Farm Bill- Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018. In this bill, cannabis sativa L (Hemp), which contains less than 0.3% of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on dry weight basis, was removed from under the control of “Control Substance Act (CSA)”. This pays the way for people to use this crop that contains high concentration of (Cannabidiol) CBD as an agricultural product for consumption and recreational use. We are eagerly waiting for FDA’s move on the legal use of the hemp in the national level.

An important aspect for the creational use of cannabis product in the eleven states is to have strict quality control of the products. There are a number of key requirements that must be met for recreational use in Illinois: Cannabis products must be tested by a certified laboratory such as ISO-17025 accredited and approved lab by the Department for Agriculture of Illinois, to contain no more than the limit of THC and the label amount of the claim for CBD. In addition, the products must contain undetectable or below the legal limits of heavy metals, pesticides, microbial pathogens and mycotoxin.

MS Bioanalytical LLC (MSB) is an FDA-registered and an ISO-17025 accredited testing laboratory. We as a participant passed the Performance Testing (PT) for cannabinoids and have been providing tests of cannabinoids to our customers. The common testing procedure for cannabinoids is an HPLC method

MSB would like to help you in testing cannabis products. We offer fast turnaround time and competitive cost. We will go extra miles to make sure of your complete satisfaction.

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