As many of our customers have been aware, Amazon recently requires that all nutrition
supplements with an indication of sexual enhancement (or male drive) on its labels and
promotion marketing material are required to test for three erectile dysfunction (ED) drugs,
Sildenafil, Tadalafil and Vardenafil, and two analogs of the ED drugs: Sulfoaildenafil, and
Desmethyl carbodenafil in its testing program. A similar requirement for testing weight loss
drugs has also been in place.
MS Bioanalytical has been providing testing certificates to our customers for dietary
supplements since the Amazon program started early this year. We now provide certificates of
analysis for testing ED and weight-loss drugs. To meet the requirement of the Amazon program,
we use LC/MS/MS methods. Typical MS chromatograms are shown Figure 1. As can be seen the
standards of five ED drugs were separated with strong signals. The spikes of these drugs into the
sample were recovered well. None of the five drugs investigated was detected in the test sample.
Based on the test results, a Certificate of Analysis with “ND” (not detected) of these five drugs
along with all necessarily required elements, which includes our ISO-17025 accreditation
number and contact information is issued to our customers.

Figure 1. Typical LC-MS-MS graphs showing three chromatograms of each of the five drugs:
standard of the drug, sample, and sample with spike of the drug.
If we can be service to you to meet the requirement of the program or you have any question or
require additional information, please feel free to contact us.